Welcome to the APP Configurator

The home of Make, Zapier and your CRM!

A custom Make and Zapier integration for our CRM. We empower businesses like yours to enhance their CRM experience and deliver tailored solutions. Our mission is to enable businesses to thrive in the world of CRM, providing the tools and support you need to succeed


Make Features

Make, our integration solution, boasts a rich feature set. It offers over 140 endpoints dedicated to your CRM, in addition to leveraging the full range of Makes features and integrations for an unparalleled experience.


Zapier Features - Coming Soon!

Zapier, the versatile automation platform, offers a wide array of features. It provides access to hundreds of apps, including our custom endpoints for your CRM, ensuring seamless connectivity and efficient workflow automation.

How do I get started?

To get started, simply perform a search within your CRM's marketplace for 'Make Connector' or 'Zapier Connector' by App-Connector. Once found, you can proceed to purchase a subscription. Upon completing your purchase, you will be instantly redirected to a page where you will receive an API key for authenticating your connection with Make or Zapier. Additionally, you will receive a direct link to install the custom app within your Make or Zapier account.

Are Make and Zapier additonal cost?

Yes, Make and Zapier are separate services, each with its own associated costs. To utilize our services, you'll need an account with either Make or Zapier, and you may be subject to their respective pricing structures. We recommend Make as our preferred choice for integration.

What if I stop paying my subsription?

In the event that you discontinue your subscription, please be aware that any existing connections will cease to function, and you will encounter errors when interacting with the API.

What if I loose my API Key

You will be given a login after purchasing your subsripiton which will have any API keys you have purchased to make a connection thru Make or Zapier.

Do you provide support

Yes, we provide live chat support to assist you in establishing the initial connection or if you encounter any issues with the modules themselves. Additionally, for custom scenarios or specialized Zap setups, we offer paid consultations to cater to these specific requirements.

"Elevating Connections, Simplifying Integration"

All the actions inside of Make

All the actions inside of Zapier